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Walking with
the Celtic Saints

Walking With the Celtic Saints is a devotional book based on the lives of the Celtic saints of Britain and Ireland. Each chapter tells a story of one of the saints, which is followed by a reflection, a poem, a scripture verse, a meditation, or a blessing. The themes are those of Celtic Christianity--themes which are as applicable and necessary today as then.

The saints and stories are as follows:

1) Journeying into the Garden / St. Brynach
2) Breaking Bread Together / St. Nectan
3) Stones and Psalms / St. Patrick
4) Opening Creation’s Book / St. Brendan
5) The Celtic Cross / St. Enda
6) Showing God’s Love / St. Baithen
7) Working Together / St. Edfrith
8) A Written Treasure / St. Coelfrid
9) Working in the World / St. Nathalan
10) Songs of Encouragement / St. Gwinear
11) A Call to Quietness / St. Myllin
12) Soldiers for Christ / St. Adrian
13) Trinity and Unity / St. John of Beverley
14) Free Gifts / St. Moling
15) The Call to Care / St. Samson